An experience with university students: Flipped Classroom Methodology




Didactics, Competences, Educational cooperation, Learning, Quality


He develops an experience based on the Flipped Classroom system with 110 undergraduate students. Their opinions, perceptions and assessment of their satisfaction with this method, in comparison with the traditional system, are collected. The aim is to study in depth new teaching methodologies that favour university student learning and to compare their advantages in relation to the traditional method. The central idea is to contribute to the results of the application of an Inverted Classroom (IA) model in some university subjects. The method demonstrates its usefulness in essential aspects of the model such as the optimised use of class time, the development of higher order thinking skills and competences and the improvement of inter-student and student-faculty communication. The results corroborate student satisfaction with the method itself and in comparison to traditional teaching. In order to increase the effectiveness of learning, key aspects are identified such as working on the educational culture promoting the benefits of IL, it is recommended to deepen the materials that are more attractive to students, in order to minimise the perception of effort required. It is suggested as a future line of work to extend the experience to other degrees.



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How to Cite

Díaz-Muño, R., Coronado Maldonado, I., & Gonzalez-Sodis, J. L. (2022). An experience with university students: Flipped Classroom Methodology. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(29), 47–59.