Emergency remote education, emotions and learning style in medical students in the Covid-19 pandemic





Remote emergency, Education, Emotions, Learning Style


The confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on different areas of social, emotional, economic and school life, among others, and university education was no exception, at that time the so-called emergency remote education emerged. Learning styles were adapted and changes in emotions were present according to the students' experiences. Three questionnaires were applied to 303 medicine students: #EstamosConectados, CESEA and AMAI, to identify availability of digital tools and devices, connectivity, learning styles, emotions, and socioeconomic level. According to data obtained, 45% had a computer, 55% had inadequate connectivity and the theoretical-operative learning style predominated with 25.4%. In relation to emotions, 62.7% felt accompanied, 60% experienced anxiety and stress. Finally, the majority socioeconomic level with 63.7% corresponded to level B of the AMAI scale. The results obtained suggested that a flexible educational model is required, which transforms, encompasses and guarantees inclusive quality teaching, adaptable to an equitable hybrid model, in addition to constant communication between peers and teachers through educational platforms, with free access to the Internet; as well as offering the necessary emotional accompaniment for students.


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How to Cite

Saldaña Guerrero, M. P. ., Cruz Montalvo, J. E., Figueroa Rojas, M. S. ., & Perez Mendoza, A. A. (2022). Emergency remote education, emotions and learning style in medical students in the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Learning Styles, 15(29), 35–46. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v15i29.4169