Physical education and arts education: teaching styles, methodologies, strategies and innovative proposals.


  • Yolanda García Rodríguez Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha Consejería de Educación Ciencia y Cultura
  • Rosa De Las Heras Fernández Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
  • María Espada Mateos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Educación Física, Educación artística, Música, Metodologías, Innovaicón educativa


The journal Estilos de Aprendizaje presents the special issue (Vol. 14, No. 28, 2021) a collection of articles that show innovative proposals applied to physical education and arts education. It also focuses on teaching styles, methodologies and strategies for student learning, taking into account the existing diversity in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

Yolanda García Rodríguez, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha Consejería de Educación Ciencia y Cultura

PhD in Education and Degree in Pedagogy. Public school teacher (JCCM). Department of Education. Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy, University of Castilla-La Mancha. Research activity in teaching and learning processes aimed at inclusion, innovation and active methodologies for students with different abilities. Works published in scientific journals. Member of the organising committee of the CSE Conference 2021. Reviewer of scientific articles in indexed journals. Coordinator of conferences, working groups and educational innovation projects. Speaker at conferences and other publications. Co-founder of the association "Ballet Diferentemente Iguales" for people with different abilities.

Rosa De Las Heras Fernández, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Director of the Department of Music, Faculty of Education, International University of La Rioja Solo dancer and choreographer working in different tablaos, flamenco channels and flamenco television programmes; in theatres all over the world and in different dance companies such as Joaquín Cortés, Rafael Amargo and international festivals such as Madrid en Danza. She has taught, researched and published, and has carried out research stays, conferences and teaching in various Universities and International Research Centres in London, Tokyo, Linz, Krakow, Salzburg and Rio de Janeiro. Master classes in Spanish Conservatories and Universities such as the URJC and the UCM and member of the evaluation board in Universities such as UV, UNE, UCJC. Awards for research projects: Visual Arts in Education and the International Conference CSE project. She is currently professor of music and dance and head of the Department of Didactics of musical and corporal expression at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). Member of scientific committees of several indexed journals, organising committee in congresses and coordinator of monographs on didactics of musical and corporal expression. Her publications include 5 single-authored books with audiovisual documentation, along with other publications including indexed scientific journals, book chapters, communications and conference proceedings.

María Espada Mateos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid She develops her research activity as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (INEF) UPM. PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in the Doctoral Programme D-265. Psychological Development, Learning and Education: Contemporary Perspectives. Department of Psychopedagogy and Physical Education of the University of Alcalá. Quality Mention by the Ministry of Education and Science. Official Master's Degree in Research in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Research activity CSE Conference 2021 EduSoC Research Group, Education. Society and Culture Faculty of Education / Centro de Formación de Profesorado Universidad Complutense de Madrid 3 is developed in the field of didactics in physical activity and sport, both in school sport and in the area of Physical Education, directing different doctoral theses in this field. He has participated in different competitive research projects of the National R&D&I Plan.


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How to Cite

García Rodríguez, Y., De Las Heras Fernández, R., & Espada Mateos, M. (2021). Physical education and arts education: teaching styles, methodologies, strategies and innovative proposals. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(28), 1–3.