A look at educational and gender equality in the public policies of Costa Rica and Spain
educational equality; gender; public policy; educational quality; challengesAbstract
Education as a fundamental human right and the foundation of a more just and egalitarian society has traditionally been the object of attention of public policies of various kinds.
The promotion of equal opportunities between men and women in different social spheres has been a principle, intended by all nations, materialized in inclusive education and social justice as guarantors for a society built upon the foundations of equity and equality.
Accordingly, an approach to public policies in Costa Rica and Spain has been made to analyze their treatment of equal educational and gender opportunities.
Both countries have developed educational and social policies to guarantee education for all, prevent segregation and social exclusion, and strengthen the role of women in all areas.
Despite this historical trajectory in pursuit of a just, democratic, and egalitarian society, the new world scenario brought about by COVID-19 forces us to rethink crucial educational and social aspects to overcome the current crisis we are facing.
The educational and social challenges are today of significant importance for society. The world needs political, economic, labor, and social approaches to address this present situation, and education is the fundamental weapon capable of offering productive answers in the current scenario.
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