Assessment and non-sexist language: TFG rubrics in state universities in Madrid




non-sexist language, Bacherlor's Dissertation, assessment, rubric, competences


Recommendations for the non-sexist use of the Spanish language are abundant. In order to find out whether this criterion is effectively considered in the assessment of Final Degree Projects, the study analyses the rubrics of the public universities in the Madrid Region for the degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as the documents referring to their professional competences and the style recommendations of the institutions themselves. The reading of these documents with a gender perspective, together with the questionnaire answered by students of this degree who have submitted the writing of their work to these recommendations, provide the results, which are interpreted in the light of the contributions of language and gender studies together with the educational paradigm of competency-based assessment. These results also suggest future lines of action for the improvement of university assessment rubrics.


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Author Biography

Esteban Francisco López Medina, Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

He began his training and teaching work in Argentina. When he returned to Spain, he completed his studies obtaining the degrees of Teacher of Foreign Languages: English (UCM, 2006), Bachelor in Religious Sciences (San Dámaso Faculty of Theology, 2011), Bachelor in English Philology (UNED, 2014) and PhD in Feminist and Gender Studies (UCM, 2020). He has extensive teaching experience at all educational levels, teaching English and bilingual subjects from Pre-school to Baccalaureate. Since 2015, he has been an associate professor at the UCM Faculty of Education. In addition, he works with other higher education institutions such as UAM (2020-2021), VIU (from 2020), Centro de Lenguas UPM (from 2021) and UDIMA (from 2021). Her research focuses on the intersection between education, language and gender, framed in the line of language and multimodal representation, especially gender and queer, in educational materials in general and English as a foreign language and CLIL in particular.


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How to Cite

López Medina, E. F. (2021). Assessment and non-sexist language: TFG rubrics in state universities in Madrid. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(28), 15–27.