Adaptation of active teaching techniques in the subject of reading, speaking and writing


  • Hugo Santacruz Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (México)
  • Tatiana Suárez Turriza Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana



academic achievement; reading; oral and written communication; active learning; learning processes.


The objective of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of active teaching techniques, centered on the students, as an alternative to improve learning outcomes in the subject of Reading, Oral and Written Expression (LEOYE). The adaptation of active didactic techniques in the subject was carried out with the following methodological procedure: a compilation of techniques was carried out; they were selected and adapted to the LEOYE subject; sessions were planned with the use of techniques from the beginning to the end, they were applied in class and products were generated. To evaluate the didactic techniques, the academic achievement of the experimental group was contrasted with that obtained by the control group. The outcomes of reading, oral and written communication showed that the implementation of active learning contributed to capturing the attention and interest of the students so that they assimilated the information and their learning processes. It is worth mentioning that the feedback, communication and empathy enriched the didactic work.


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Author Biographies

Hugo Santacruz, Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (México)

Received his Master's degree from the Instituto Universitario del Centro de México (UCEM) in 2016, and is currently a PhD student at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI). Since 1989, he has collaborated as an English teacher in different educational institutions such as the UNAM, the Polytechnic University of Gomez Palacio, Durango; the Technological University of Torreon, the Technological University of Queretaro, the Polytechnic University of Queretaro and the Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jauregui, he has also coordinated the English teachers at the Autonomous University of Coahuila. He has taught Fundamentals of Management, Reengineering, Human Development, Emotional Intelligence and Research Methodology. He has worked as Head of the Language Office at the Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jáuregui. He has been in charge of the technological offer of the language courses offered by the Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jauregui.

Tatiana Suárez Turriza, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana

He received his academic training in undergraduate programmes of excellence from the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT): PhD in Hispanic Literature from El Colegio de México. He is a member of the National System of Researchers of CONACYT. He has published books: Educación literaria en México; Reflexiones desde la diversidad; La enseñanza de las humanidades, del Ateneo mexicano a nuestro sistema educativo; Los yucatecos pintados por sí mismos. Artículos de costumbres de Yucatán en el siglo XIX; Cuentos románticos de Justo Sierra; Articles: "Ecos y desvaríos espiritistas en El donador de almas de Amado Nervo", Decimonónica, 16(2), 2019, "El proceso creativo de las primeras crónicas y artículos de costumbres de Justo Sierra O'Reilly. Study and genetic editing", (an)ecdótica, 2 (2), 2018. Currently, she is Director of Unit 041-UPN at the National Pedagogical University of Mexico, Campeche, Mexico. She also collaborates as a postgraduate advisor at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana.


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How to Cite

Santacruz, H., & Suárez Turriza, T. (2021). Adaptation of active teaching techniques in the subject of reading, speaking and writing. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(28), 4–15.