Relación entre los estilos de aprendizaje y violencia en el noviazgo adolescente en el departamento de Pereira
Learning Styles, Abuse, Bride, TeneagersAbstract
The objective of this experimental, quantitative and correlational design, was to identify the relationship of learning styles based on the theory of Felder and Silverman in victims and offenders of adolescent dating in the city of Pereira, Colombia. There was a sample of 152 adolescents who ranged in age from 15 to 22 years old who were studying secondary school in district and government entities, taking into account that the subjects previously had or are currently in a relationship with their partner; the results showed that the victims of psychoemotional abuse present verbal, visual and reflective learning, while the victims of physical abuse manifest that they have verbal and visual learning; Likewise, psycho-emotional victimizers present verbal and reflective learning, on the other hand, it was observed that there are no significant relationships with learning styles in victimizers who exercise physical violence
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