Online learning and Covid-19: The need to keep reinventing




COVID-19, Distance learning, University, Economy, E-Learning


The coronavirus crisis has meant a forced change in practically all areas, including education. Both students and teachers have had to adapt quickly to distance education and the use of new technologies to teach and/or receive teaching. However, despite the fact that the importance of using technology has been promulgated for years, many have been caught off guard. It has been found that it is becoming quite difficult to adapt easily to this new modality, despite the efforts of students and teachers. In order to improve online teaching, it will be necessary to provide more training for teachers and a different vision that will allow students to focus on this new virtual system. In this line, for students of Economics, we propose an exercise to be carried out virtually, with which they can acquire the necessary skills of a part of the subject, with the indications of the teacher, and at the same time understand the reality of today's world from the economic point of view, relating the GDP with the situation produced by the Covid-19.


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Author Biography

Javier Cifuentes-Faura, Universidad de Murcia

Graduate in Business Administration and Management from the University of Murcia with an Extraordinary End of Degree Award. He has carried out postgraduate studies such as the Master in Business Administration MBA and the Master in Commercial and Marketing Management, at the European Business School in Barcelona, both of which were awarded Cum Laude for their academic excellence. He also completed the Master's in Teacher Training in Economics at the University of Murcia. He was awarded the "Economics and Business 2018" prize by the Official Association of Economists. He received a scholarship to study at Georgetown University in Washington DC. He is a researcher at the University of Murcia and a member of the work plan for the EDINSOST2 project: Integration of sustainable development objectives in sustainability training in Spanish university qualifications. He has published in journals of impact and has participated in international conferences as a speaker and guest lecturer.


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How to Cite

Cifuentes-Faura, J. (2020). Online learning and Covid-19: The need to keep reinventing . Journal of Learning Styles, 13(Especial), 115–127.