Learning to draw through stylistic taxonomy

Learning to draw through stylistic taxonomy. The case of “The Quantum Forest” as a collective construction of the landscape.





self-learning, defamiliarization, graphic style, design, cadavre exquis


Reality is multiple and each of its interpretations requires a graphic style. The aim of the practice presented here is to investigate learning processes in the field of graphic expression at university level. Based on a self-learning methodology, the research explores the possibilities of ‘defamiliarisation’ and ‘prohibition’ as teaching strategies that enhance creative processes. Through a reinterpretation of the surrealist method of the ‘exquisite corpse’, style exercises are unleashed in which the student must choose between the multiple bifurcations offered by the graphic discipline. The approach of the teaching practice, under a horizontal and transdisciplinary approach, yields positive results both on the individual level and in the group dynamics. The individual results allow us to glimpse a substantial improvement in the students' marks, increasing the average level, considerably reducing the number of failures and increasing the number of excellent marks. The exercise has made it possible to balance the different phases of learning, which in graphics subjects are usually highly unbalanced. Finally, the article considers the replicability of the methodology tested in other contexts.


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Author Biography

Ignacio G´rávalos Lacambra, Universidad San Jorge, España

Architect by ETSAB_Barcelona (1994). Master ‘Research and Advanced Training in Architecture’. (San Jorge University, 2013). PhD from the University of Zaragoza (2020). Lecturer in the degree of Architecture and in the degree of Digital Design and Creative Technologies at San Jorge University. Member of the Open Source Architecture research group at USJ. Co-founder, together with Patrizia Di Monte, of gravalosdimonte architects. Invited on three occasions to the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia. Mention at the Research Award of the XI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (2011) for the ‘estonoesunsolar’ programme.


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PORTADA REA Volumen 17 Número 34 (2024)



How to Cite

G´rávalos Lacambra, I. (2024). Learning to draw through stylistic taxonomy: Learning to draw through stylistic taxonomy. The case of “The Quantum Forest” as a collective construction of the landscape. Journal of Learning Styles, 17(34), 87–98. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v17i34.6831

