What do we know about 21st Century Skills, Technologies and Initial Teachers Training? A Scoping Literature Review





21st Century Skills, Technologies, Initial Teacher Training, Scoping Literature Review


Twenty first century skills and digital technologies have become more relevant in educational sciences, with a greater emphasis on school education, but also in teachers training. Several studies highlight its relevance to Initial Teachers Training, but also some vulnerabilities. This study aims to identify the research main trends between 2000 and 2020 on the development of competencies and the integration of digital technologies in initial teachers training. A five-stage Literature Review was conducted, based on document selection and data charting to examine the scope and nature of the most relevant studies. This methodology results in 998 references that integrate the three dimensions analyzed, whereby the dimension of competencies stood out the most with 39.67% of the references, followed by Initial Teacher Training with 31.40% and technology with 28.94%. The results reveal what are the current needs of elementary school teachers regarding the development of competencies, the strengths and vulnerabilities of initial teachers training and the enabling and conditioning factors for the integration of technologies in training.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra Loução, UIDEF - Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Educação e Formação da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Master’s in Science & Mathematics Education and Teaching by Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Lisbon School of Education; PhD student in Education (ICT in Education) by University of Lisbon, Institute of Education; FCT Grant Holder in the scope of PhD (2020.04958.BD); Co-author of one of the chapters of the e-Book "Eco-sensors4Health - Supporting children in creating eco-healthy schools" (project funded by FCT); She has participated in different events related to the research area, with some scientific publications: V Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Educação (online), Portugal, 16th and 17th of April, 2021 (with publication); XI Fórum de Jovens Investigadores (online), Portugal, 2nd of July, 2021 (without publication); XXIX Colóquio AFIRSE: A Educação e os desafios da Sociedade Contemporânea, Portugal (Lisbon), February 2022 (with publication); 17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain), 6th, 7th and 8th of March, 2023 (with publication).

Ana Pedro, Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

PhD in Education (ICT in Education) by University of Lisbon, Institute of Education; Master in Psychology, Educational Psychology Specialization, by ISPA. Professor in Institute of Education of University of Lisbon, lecturing curricular units in the PhD in Education, Education Master's degrees and the Postgraduate in Technologies and Methodologies of Programming in Basic Education. She is also oordinator of Centro de Competência em Tecnologias e Inovação. Member of UIDEF Research Group (Institute of Education of University of Lisbon), with the following research areas: Teachers; Professional Development and Teachers; ICT competences; Teachers XXI Century Skills; Digital Learning, Learning Spaces and Technology Enhanced Learning. As a researcher has been member of several national and international projects.


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Portada Volumen 16, Núm. 31 (2023)



How to Cite

Loução, A., & Pedro, A. (2023). What do we know about 21st Century Skills, Technologies and Initial Teachers Training? A Scoping Literature Review. Journal of Learning Styles, 16(31), 45–55. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v16i31.5405

