Learning Style in-service education teachers: indicative of blended environment



hybrid environment, learning styles, teacher training, ddidactic-pedagogical design, learning strategies


This study aimed to identify the learning styles of a group of teachers in continuing education in the area of ​​environmental education at a lato sensu level in a hybrid environment. This is a case study, of a qualitative nature, with a brief quantitative assessment, with data collected through the application of a questionnaire and analysis of messages from course participants posted in the virtual learning environment (AVA) and in the face-to-face environment. Sixty-three teachers responded to the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (2005). The results pointed to the predominant accommodative learning style among teachers, attributing themselves to people who learn through active experimentation and concrete experience. From the results obtained, it is inferred that the identification of learning styles made it possible to map learning strategies that are more appropriate to the heterogeneity of the course participants present in the training. The study concluded that taking into account the teachers' learning styles for the elaboration of the didactic-pedagogical design of the hybrid environment corroborates for a more personalized formation, permeated by the appreciation of the teachers' singularities, deconstructing the homogenization and impersonality in the formative paths, bringing awareness of listening to this subject.


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Author Biographies

Eliana Leite, Secretária Municipal da Educação de Fortaleza/CE, Brasil

PhD in Education Science from the University of Minho (Braga/Portugal) in cotutela with the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), completed in 2022. Master in Educational Computing from the State University of Ceará - 2007); specialist in Education, poverty and social inequality (UFC-2017) and in Educational Planning (Salgado de Oliveira University); graduated in Chemistry (UECE/2000) and Science (UECE/1986). Effective teacher of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Fortaleza. She has worked in distance education courses at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE) and UFC, in the training of tutors, teacher training and pedagogical coordination of specialization and extension courses. She has experience in the area of Education, as: science teacher, Distance Education (DE), hybrid education, teacher training, learning styles.

Bento Silva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Full Professor at the Institute of Education at the University of Minho, PhD in Education in the area of Educational Technology. He has an Aggregation Degree in Curriculum Development and Educational Technology (2006); a Doctorate Degree in Education, specialising in Educational Technology (1997); a Master's Degree in Education, specialising in the Analysis and Organisation of Teaching (1989); and a Degree in History and Social Sciences - Teaching (1980). He was Vice-President of the Institute of Education and Director of the Department of Curricular Studies and Educational Technology. He is currently Coordinator of the Educational Technology Specialisation area of the Masters Degree in Educational Sciences and Coordinator of the Educational Technology specialisation area of the Doctorate in Educational Sciences. He is the author of around three hundred research papers on Technology and Educational Communication, with his current research interests revolving around the integration of Digital Information and Communication Technologies in Education

José Alberto Lencastre, Universidade de Minho, Portugal

Assistant Professor of Educational Technology in the Institute of Education at University of Minho, Portugal. ​His academic qualifications include a graduation in Visual Literacy (1991), a MSc in Education, specialisation in Educational Technology (2002), a PhD in Education/Educational Technology (2009), and a Postdoc in Education Sciences/Educational Technology (2019). José is an experienced lecturer and researcher, particularly in online methodologies, as his Curriculum Vitæ can confirm. He received his PhD with a thesis about Online Education. He designed, developed and implemented a virtual learning environment (VLE) with educational resources to support a Flipped Approach to Online Teaching and Learning, a form of blended learning. Teaching interests involve understanding the opportunities to enhance teaching and learning processes exploring innovative pedagogical practices with a focus on active methodologies, blended learning models and digital technologies (e.g., blended learning, flipped learning, gamification, game-based learning, digital storytelling, mobile robotics). José is deeply involved in the in-service training of veteran teachers to promote the teachers’ professional re-enchantment through digital technologies.


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Portada Volumen 16, Núm. 31 (2023)



How to Cite

Leite, E., Silva, B., & Lencastre, J. A. . (2023). Learning Style in-service education teachers: indicative of blended environment. Journal of Learning Styles, 16(31), 92–105. Retrieved from https://revistaestilosdeaprendizaje.com/article/view/5384

