Cyberbullying in Portugal. A scoping study and the perceptions of Portuguese teachers




Cyberbullying, Scoping Study


During the COVID-19 global pandemic period, cyberbullying grew exponentially as students were essentially working online. We did a scoping study to understand the state of the art referring to academic publications in Portuguese related to cyberbullying in Portugal.  We identified 316 articles in the RCAAP database related to the topic and, after the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 articles were deeply analyzed. The conclusions suggest that cyberbullying has more harmful effects than traditional bullying; the authors highlight the need for teacher training to identify signs of cyberbullying; and the importance of intervention projects to inform the community – teachers, students and parents – about how to avoid behaviors that enhance cyberbullying. At the same time, data from a questionnaire survey applied to 96 teachers made it possible to validate the need for training and the importance of having intervention programs that enable the fight against cyberbullying.


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Author Biographies

Luis Filipe Coutinho, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

PhD student in Educational Sciences, specializing in Educational Technology at the University of Minho, and is also a researcher at the Centre for Research in Education at the University of Minho.


Ana Maria Tomás Almeida, Universidad de Minho, Portugal

PhD, 1997. Area of the degree: Child Studies, awarded by the University of Minho. Diplomed in 1988 in Educational Psychology at Universidade do Minho and Licenced in Psychology by the Faculty of Psychology and Science Education at the University of Lisbon. Currently is Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education of Minho University.

José Alberto Lescastre, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Associate Professor in the Institute of Education at University of Minho, Portugal. His academic qualifications include a graduation in Visual Literacy (1991), a Master in Educational Technology (2002), a PhD in Educational Technology (2009), and a Postdoc in Educational Technology (2019).


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Portada_Volumen 17, Número 33 (2024)



How to Cite

Coutinho, L. F., Tomás Almeida, A. M., & Lescastre, J. A. (2023). Cyberbullying in Portugal. A scoping study and the perceptions of Portuguese teachers. Journal of Learning Styles, 17(33), 102–113.