Online teaching and learning practices in Macao, Portugal and Brazil: towards a global post-pandemic virtual pedagogical model
covid-19 pandemic, online distance learning, collaborative learning, virtual pedagogical model, post-pandemic educationAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the pedagogical processes of face-to-face universities. The mandatory confinement of the university population implied the transposition of classroom teaching to online classes, leading to a considerable increase in the use of videoconferencing systems, establishing new (or reinforcing the existing ones) online learning communities. These online learning practices tend to be maintained after the end of the pandemic insofar as they provide complementary alternatives for contact, sharing and collaboration in a network, determining unstructured forms of hybrid pedagogical models of distance learning.
In this article we describe concrete online teaching practices implemented during the pandemic in two face-to-face teaching universities, the University of Saint Joseph in Macau; and the University of São Paulo, Brazil, carrying out a critical analysis in light of the online distance learning praxis in vogue at Portuguese Open University, Portugal, a virtual distance learning university, with a view to defining a virtual pedagogical model of general nature that can provide principles and guidelines for the planning, organization and implementation of a manageable online university-level educational offer for post-pandemic times supported by research evidence and emerging trends.
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