Multiple intelligences and integral education at the Adventist University in Bolivia




Education, Multiple Intelligence, TIC, Learning , Teaching


The aim of this article is to analyse the level of multiple intelligences in students of the Adventist University of Bolivia 2021. The work is based on Gardner's (1983, 2015) Theory of Multiple Intelligences and relates it to White's (2012/1903) integral education. The research offers a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive approach. The sample consists of 293 participants out of a population of 424, (153 females and 140 males). The information was collected using an online Multiple Intelligences level questionnaire with an excellent level of reliability (α=0.913). The results achieved show that the students possess all eight multiple intelligences to varying degrees. Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence reached the highest percentage (77%), while logical-mathematical intelligence the lowest (64%). In conclusion, it is necessary to deepen our knowledge of the multiple intelligences that can favour the integral development of university students.


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Author Biographies

Abdón Pari, Universidad Abventista de Bolivia

PhD in Didactics of Mathematics from the University of Salamanca (Spain), Master in Mathematics and Bachelor in Mathematics Education. Teaching experience in Bolivia, Spain and Ecuador.
Ecuador. Postgraduate lecturer in the Education Programme of the Adventist University of Bolivia, with more than 40 publications including book chapters and high impact scientific articles and advisor to CYFEMAT. He has participated with invited lectures in national and international conferences: Argentina, Germany, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico and Panama.

Rhadassa Rhadassa da Silva Goncalves , Universidad Adventista de Bolivia

Student of Psychopedagogy at the Adventist University of Bolivia and scholar for academic excellence. Author of chapters in two books and speaker at academic and scientific events in Bolivia and Chile.


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Portada Volumen 15, Nümero 30 - Revista Estilos de Aprendizaje



How to Cite

Pari, A., & Rhadassa da Silva Goncalves , R. (2022). Multiple intelligences and integral education at the Adventist University in Bolivia . Journal of Learning Styles, 15(30), 94–108.

