Digital competence for the Didactics of Social Sciences in the training of future teachers: an experience with virtual debates




Teacher digital competence, Social Sciences Education, Teacher training, Didactic digital resources, Virtual discussions


One of the current challenges facing education is training in competences and skills for a globalised, technological and changing environment. The intensive use of ICT in the last two years as a work, training and leisure environment has led to the implementation of the use of ICT beyond instrumental learning, and to address competences and skills for being, being and doing in the digital ecosystem. The work presented here is the result of experimentation over two academic years with four groups of future Early Childhood Education teachers during three weeks of classes in the subject of Media Education and the Educational Dimension of ICT. The Kialo programme, in its educational version, has been the digital resource used to work on digital competence in several lines of action, not only in the field of communication, creating a virtual space in which to encourage participation and critical thinking among today's students, future teachers, and to raise awareness of the importance of active citizenship.


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Author Biography

Mª Auxiliadora Guisado Domínguez, Universidad de Córdoba, España

Lecturer in Didactics of Social Sciences in the Department of Specific Didactics at the University of Cordoba and tutor at the Centro Asociado a la UNED in Cordoba. Graduate in Political Science and Administration and Master's Degree in Politics and Democracy from the UNED, she holds a degree and PhD in History from the University of Cordoba with a thesis on the house of Guadalcázar between 1750 and 1870. She has held scholarships and contracts for research projects and has participated in national and international conferences and publications on agrarian social history, local elites, documentary sources and didactics of the social sciences. Currently, her research focuses on resources and digital teaching skills for the teaching of Social Sciences and she is a member of the INDICES group, Research in Didactics of Experimental and Social Sciences (PAIDI SEJ-544) at the University of Cordoba.


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Portada_Volumen 17, Número 33 (2024)



How to Cite

Guisado Domínguez, M. A. (2024). Digital competence for the Didactics of Social Sciences in the training of future teachers: an experience with virtual debates. Journal of Learning Styles, 17(33), 63–76.