Open Educational Resources adapted to learning styles for teaching digital skills in higher education
Learning Styles, Open Educational Resources, Ditial Competences, CHAEA, Universty studentsAbstract
Open Educational Resources (OER) are considered significant vectors of change due to their flexibility and transversality at all educational levels, also allowing customization based on learning styles. In this study, four OER were designed according to the theory of Honey and Mumford (1986) (Active-Reflective-Theoretical-Pragmatic), for the competence in digital information management. Through a training activity designed for research, the Learning Styles of university students (N=394) were identified with the CHAEA questionnaire (Alonso, 1992) and the OERs were assigned, one corresponding to their style and another, to the contrary, at the end of the study. the students valued the interest and adequacy of the analyzed resources. Among the results, it is observed that both in the assessment of interest and adequacy (structure, time, instructions and objective) the scores are higher when the OER adapts to their style, except in the perception of the time used by the students of Active and Theoretical style. It is concluded that the adaptation to styles allows personalization because it increases interest and improves assimilation by students. Being free access resources, it is possible for them to be reused, in accordance with e-Learning standards, for training in skills.
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