Individual and collective identity through the heritage of the Alhambra. An innovation proposal for Compulsory Secondary Education.
Pedagogical Heritage, Identity, Romantic Literacy, AlhambraAbstract
Both individuals and collectives define themselves through complex discourses that shape their identity. Heritage and literature are very relevant forms in the shaping of identity. On the one hand, heritage maintains the memory of collectives; on the other hand, literature is a vehicle for ways of feeling, thinking and acting, which reflect and interact with each reader and with a culture as a whole. This paper defines the relationship between literary cultural heritage and identity as two facets that, in Ricoeurian terms, shape cultural identity. This applies to two aspects. Firstly, some representative works in Romanticism about the Alhambra are studied. This theme has been chosen because of the extraordinary rich heritage of this monument and because it has inspired valuable literary works. Secondly, a brief proposal for innovation is presented based on the model of the Integrated Teaching Unit (UDI) applicable to the curriculum of the 4th year of ESO in Andalusia. This is very relevant because it responds to the importance given by the BOJA to heritage in the education of pupils.
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