Basic Education and Remote Learning: challenges or possibilities?
Online Teaching, Education, Pandemic, COVID-19Abstract
At the beginning of the year 2020 we were surprised with a new virus, SARS-CoV-2, popularly called COVID-19, being highly contagious and bringing with it a large number of deaths. Based on recommendations from the World Health Organization, social isolation was the alternative for an attempt to contain the virus. In education, social isolation, which culminated in the suspension of classes, brought with it a path not so new, but still little explored, mediated communication and cyberspace and, tied to them, the Emergency Remote Learning (ERE). For Basic Education, the Remote Learning appeared as the solution for the continuity of school activities, but due to a series of factors it was much questioned. Therefore, in this article we seek to present the various aspects of Remote Learning, as well as to discuss the difficulties encountered by teachers and the school community, in an attempt to highlight some of the possibilities it brings. To do so, we developed a qualitative bibliographic research, through which we can observe that the migration to Remote Learning emphasized a series of difficulties in the educational field, exposed weaknesses, but also presented many possibilities that can assist in the learning process.
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