Estilos de aprendizagem e o estudo de uma ruptura em Física e Química no baccalauréat
cognitive style, Physics and Chemistry, Bachillerato, methodology, active learningAbstract
The following research was carried out during the 2020-2021 academic year, in which the characterisation of learning styles was proposed and, once obtained, a gamification methodology with 1st year Baccalaureate students in the subject of Physics and Chemistry in the Science modality. The main objectives of the research were to determine learning style preferences and to promote meaningful learning of the subject through an innovative methodology. This consisted of the implementation of a breakout and a student perception survey. The most noteworthy results have been the achievement of a significant percentage of preference in styles suitable for making the most of the subject, the high valuation of many of the activities proposed in the breakout and the increase in student motivation. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the styles have provided a suitable framework for the use of the breakout, as they have favoured student participation and have collaborated with the management of their learning. As a main conclusion, the potential of gamification in the teaching-learning process of students is revealed.
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