Evaluative enquiry of an intervention with active methodologies for university students.
active technologies, techniques, competences, classroom climate, learning stylesAbstract
The aim of this evaluative enquiry is to find out four aspects of an intervention with university students in Education, namely: what active methodologies and paradigms they liked, what practices they liked and what other activities they would have liked to have done and, finally, what classroom climate they perceived. In the intervention, the teaching staff used the tools of the notebook and continuous key informant interviews from participant observation to find out these aspects and to design the quantitative tool, a questionnaire in which the sample of 112 students participated. The results highlight teamwork, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligences and project-based learning. They also highlighted three activities in which they were the protagonists of their own learning and a visit from a writer. With regard to desired practices, the results are not significant, although gamification stands out. As for the classroom climate, they underlined that it was emotionally good, with social acceptance, a sense of humour and combined with a positive evaluation of the teacher and peers, with whom they worked comfortably.
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