The learning styles and multiple intelligences of students of the Francisco de Paula Santander school
learning styles, Multiple intelligences, Preferences, Convergences.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to diagnose multiple intelligences and learning styles. In addition, analyze the approaches that both models have from some of their components: active style and body-kinesthetic intelligence, reflective style and linguistic intelligence and theoretical style and logical-mathematical intelligence. The study was carried out with 8th, 9th and 10th grade students from a secondary school. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational research design was carried out. The results showed that there are no substantial differences in the learning styles of the groups, likewise the multiple intelligences presented a trend at the medium-high level in almost all the intelligences in these same comparisons. The correlations illustrate a statistically significant relationship between reflective style and linguistic intelligence, in the same way, between theoretical style and logical-mathematical intelligence. The non-existence of a statistically significant relationship between active style and body-kinesthetic intelligence is relevant.
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