Teachers’ Efficiency of CLIL implementation to Reach Bilingualism in Primary Education





Bilingüismo, Educación Primaria, Maestros, Comunidad de Madrid


The pivotal objective of this research is to investigate the degree of knowledge and the teachers’ capacity to implement CLIL methodology, as a tool to reach bilingualism in Primary Education in Madrid Community.To this aim, questionnaires were administered to 75 Primary school teachers of Natural and/or Social Sciences to perform a quatitative correlational analysis to determine the degree of CLIL implementation in relation to the teachers’ being bilingual. After basing the topic on previous investigations delving into the phenomenon of bilingualism and the theory of CLIL, this article presents the research design and data analysis; and outlines its main findings in relation to teachers’ self-identification with being bilingual and the implementation of the four principles of CLIL in the classroom, and the use of didactic resources. The findings of this research point to the necessity of teacher-training programmes in CLIL methodology to improve the teachers’ understanding and implementation of this method to ensure better students’ academic performance in bilingual programmes.   


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Author Biographies

Svetlana Antropova, Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Villanueva

Lecturer in the Department of Education, Villanueva University. She teaches subjects related to the teaching of English Language, specifically Training for Bilingualism, Didactics of Oral Competences, and different Methodologies of second language teaching. In the field of research, she has two lines of research open: Methodologies of foreign language teaching and Memory and trauma in postmodernist theatre. He is a member of the research line Fundamentos, Contextos y metodologías en la Educación y Formación del Profesorado, at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid. He was a member of the organising committee of the international conference Trauma: Theory and Practice and defended his thesis Staging Memory and Trauma in Samuel Beckett's Theatre. His latest publications are "De/Construction of Visual Stage Image in Samuel Beckett's PLAY" and "El nuevo Pacto de Jordi Casanovas con el público: teatro-documento en España Entrevista a Jordi Casanovas, dramaturgo y director del teatro".

Belen Poveda Garcia-Noblejas, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Villanueva

Lecturer in the Department of Education, Villanueva University. She teaches subjects in the Early Childhood Education Degree, Primary Education Degree and Psychology Degree, specifically Developmental Psychology, Developmental Disorders and Cognitive Development. In the field of research, she has two open lines: one in Pedagogy of Death, R+D of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, funded by the Ministry; another in Character Education, Consolidated Research Group of the Universidad Villanueva; the first phase of her research career dealt with Creativity, with the publication of several Psychometric Tests of Creativity (PIC-J and PIC-A). This stage culminated with the defence of his doctoral thesis La Creatividad en la Docencia Universitaria (Creativity in University Teaching). Her current publications deal with Teacher Training and Character Education, with articles such as: "Perceptions and beliefs of university students about learning at university and in the practicum: a qualitative study".

Rafael Carrasco Polaino, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and New Media at the Complutense University of Madrid. He teaches subjects related to Information Technologies, and, specifically, to digital media and their tools.

In the field of research, his work focuses mainly on the study of social media through the analysis of social networks (ARS) and statistics. He has applied these study methodologies in scientific research published in different impact journals.

His research work focused on the aforementioned methodologies, developed after his research stay at the Media Innovation Lab at the University of Vienna.

He is also a speaker at numerous national and international conferences and the director of almost ten doctoral theses. On the development of doctoral theses, he is the author of Tesis y doctorado en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, published by Hélice.


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How to Cite

Antropova, S., Poveda Garcia-Noblejas, B. ., & Carrasco Polaino, R. (2021). Teachers’ Efficiency of CLIL implementation to Reach Bilingualism in Primary Education. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(27), 6–19. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v14i27.2822