Evolution of bilingual education in pre-university stages in Castile-La Mancha





bilingualism, Bilingual programmes, educational offer, Castilla-La Mancha


The importance of the richness of the linguistic and cultural diversity present in the European Union cannot be doubted; hence the insistence that the knowledge of languages is an essential element in the personal and professional development of all citizens. Consequently, to this day, bilingualism is an indispensable and compulsory educational offer in all the countries that make up the European space. As a result, the Castilla-La Mancha Ministry of Education, like the rest of the regions of Spain, bets on this type of education not only to train their students linguistically but also to transmit content. The objective of this contribution is to analyze the existing bilingual programmes in the Castilla-La Mancha region and reflect on their incidence in each of its provinces. To do this, a comparative casuistic analysis will be carried out by bilingual programs, language combinations and number of active programs. The results will show possible causes before the unequal representation and presence of bilingual programmes in Castilla-La Mancha and will expose what the pending bets that the regional administration must face are.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Sánchez-Verdejo Pérez, UNED

PhD. in English Philology from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, having obtained the qualification of "Outstanding Cum Laude" unanimously with his Doctoral Thesis "Terror and pleasure: towards a cultural (re)construction of the vampire myth and its projection on the feminine in literature written in the English language", published online by the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Her research interests include comparative literature, interactions between the literatures of other languages, mythology, anthropology, religion, film and art. He has more than 25 years of teaching experience in English. In addition to his participation in conferences, his lectures and publications, with contributions to journals, books, scientific and cultural publications both nationally and internationally, have been warmly received. He is a member of the board of reviewers of several publications. In 2009 he obtained a scholarship for a stay at St. Joseph's College (Dublin). He has been Associate Professor in the International Master's Degree in Bilingualism at both the UNIR and the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. He is currently a lecturer and researcher both at the UNED on the English Studies degree and at the University of Castilla-La Mancha on the Primary Education degree.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Verdejo Pérez, F. J. (2021). Evolution of bilingual education in pre-university stages in Castile-La Mancha. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(27), 20–32. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v14i27.2734