Neuroeducation: contributions to learning to read in primary education
Neuropsychology, Education and development, Brain, Reading Instruction, LearningAbstract
Neuroeducation is the comprehension about brain functioning and its applicability into teaching procedures in order to motivate and catch students’ attention and to help them to learn properly. Therefore, this literary review gathers its theoretical issues about reading acquisition in elementary school as pedagogical and methodological propose for teachers’ practice and work. Nowadays, it is wise to stablish that neurosciences, pedagogy and education have contributed lots of theories, procedures and techniques to children reading development in school for achieving an excellent reading comprehension during adulthood. However, it is nonsensical that it is taught by backward, late and unsuitable methods. For this reason, it is right to deduce the lack of teachers training about brain, its functioning, phonological awareness and neuroeducation to apply with students in the classroom.
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