Disinformation and fact-checking in the Argentine elections of 2019 The case of the Reverso initiative
Argentina, Elections, Misinformation, Fact-Checking, Distribution ChannelsAbstract
The aim of this research is to study the processes of disinformation that circulated during the presidential elections held in Argentina on 27 October 2019. These elections were presented as an interesting case study in which the candidates Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernandez disputed the government in the midst of the country's economic crisis and with the society divided. Disinformation strategies were a fact, despite the fact that in May press associations, digital platforms and political parties signed an agreement to fight false news on social networks. The research presented here examines the role of Reverso - an initiative promoted and coordinated by Chequeado, AFP Factual, First Draft and Pop-Up Newsroom - in which more than 120 media and technology companies joined together to combat disinformation during the electoral process. The results of this study include a proposal for a typology of hoaxes and denials that were circulated, as well as the identification of the preferential distribution channels for this false information.
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