The education of young people and adults. Absence in public policies: The case of the Educación Extraescolar centres in Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico).
Youth and adult education, Public Policy, Right to the Education, Lifelong LearningAbstract
This case study is part of the diagnosis that we carried out in three of the After-School Education Centres of the Institute of Basic Education of the state of Morelos (CEDEX-IEBEM), in which we show the material and professionalisation deficiencies of the teaching staff in the specific area of Youth and Adult Education (YAE), as a result of the absence of Public Policies by the State in this educational field. The analysis of the students was carried out from three angles: the students' traits, the reasons that led them to return to basic education and the impact that their studies have had on their lives. With regard to the teachers, the analysis focused on the recoding of the institutional to promote meaningful educational processes despite the absence of professionalisation in education for young people and adults. The methodology combines quantitative and qualitative analysis based on the information obtained through three instruments: questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers, questionnaires and focus groups.
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