The Style of Use of the Virtual Internet Space with Secondary Education
Virtual Space, Inclusion, Internet, Learning StylesAbstract
This study analyzes the inclusion of learning style through the use of virtual space on the Internet in students from 1st to 4th year of Secondary Education in Madrid. It shows the preference for the use of the four learning styles: participatory use, search and research, structuring and planning, concrete and production in the virtual space.The study was carried out with a sample of 232 students from the secondary education stage aged between 12-15 years. The instrument used for data collection was carried out using the questionnaire "Style of the use of virtual space" by Barros et al. (2008), with the Alpha de Cronbach (0,77). In analysis of the data are presented from two perfectives: the first globally taking as relevant factors the age and gender of students and their influence between the selection in virtual learning styles and the second analysis which the four types of learning styles by blocks reflecting the preferences of the students.
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