About the Journal
Journal of Learning Styles (ISSN: 1988-8996) is a scientific journal focused on the area of education. It appears in 2008 both in open access and in electronic format with the objective of dealing with a highly important current topic —i.e., Learning Styles. The journal is mainly aimed at consolidating a space for discussion, reflection and disseminating experiences and research in order to contribute towards improving the quality of education with the greatest scientific rigour. It is also aimed at becoming a setting that promotes the reflection on educational issues, that encourages the discussion on good practices in education according to the new paradigms, and that fosters teacher training. The achievement of the objectives materialises, not only in the publication of the journal every six months, but also in the spreading of initiatives related to active teaching methodologies, and learning spaces and styles. The journal is addressed to students, teachers, researchers, educational institutions and anyone who may be interested in the aforementioned topic; that is to say, the whole education sector including all its stages and types, along with the scientific and business areas too.
Scientific articles Subject Matter: Submitted manuscripts should suit the topic and thematic line of the issue to be published. All scientific articles will include, at least, the following three sections: objectives, methodology and conclusions.
Open Submissions ;
Indexed ;
Peer Review
Scientific articles Open: Submitted manuscripts: Submitted manuscripts not strictly suiting the topic of the issue to be published. All scientific articles will include, at least, the following three sections: objectives, methodology and conclusions.
Open Submissions ;
Indexed ;
Peer Review
Book Reviews: Assessment or constructive criticism that discusses in detail a recently published book or monograph on the thematic line of Journal of Learning Styles.
Open Submissions ;
Indexed ;
Peer Review
All selected manuscripts will be refereed in a double-blind review process in which both the authorship and the reviewers' identity will be preserved anonymous. In a previous step, the Editorial Board will check if the submitted manuscripts adhere to the requirements in the guidelines. The following criteria will be valued:
a) Originality, actuality and novelty.
b) Relevance to the thematic lines of the journal.
c) Methodological quality, good presentation and writing.
d) Reliability and scientific validity.
In case the manuscript succeeds the preliminary revision, it will be sent to the External Evaluation Committee. The author will receive the evaluation report and will have to implement the suggested corrections and/or changes. All changes will have to be conveniently indicated in a separate document according to the evaluation report. Once all the changes are made, the manuscript will have to be sent back to the Journal to continue the evaluation process. The Journal will always acknowledge the reception of works and, after being evaluated, will inform the contact author about the reviewers' final decision. All authors will know about the acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts within 3 months approximately. Being the works formatted, a draft will be sent to researchers to detect and correct any possible errors that shall by no means affect the content.
The Journal of Learning Styles adheres to a code of ethics and an anti-plagiarism policy, with the aim of guaranteeing the correct development of the processes, as well as the quality and rigour required by a scientific publication of this nature. This code of ethics commits the authors and reviewers, the Editorial Board and Management, and the associated or thematic editors.
The Editorial and Editorial Board will ensure compliance with this code of ethics, in addition to the rules of publication, quality criteria and originality of the texts. The Editorial Board will ensure that authors' rights are respected and that the criteria for indexing, metrics, ranking, impact factor and metadata assigned to the journal are followed with total transparency.
"Estilos de Aprendizaje" maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that guarantees that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application of specific tools in the detection of plagiarism that guarantee the originality of all manuscripts such as Turnitin, Plagium, Viper, Plagarism. These free access or licensed platforms monitor the originality and control the plagiarism of the documents published in the Journal. This anti-plagiarism policy also makes it possible to ensure standards of originality from an international perspective".
Commitment of the authors:
Authorship: Authors guarantee that the manuscripts they submit are original, are not in an evaluation process and have not been published. Authors commit themselves not to distort the authorship, not accepting as such people who have not actively intervened in the development of the research. Likewise, they accept responsibility for what has been written and declare the veracity of the same.
Plagiarism: Authors undertake not to commit plagiarism by appropriating texts from other authors without their consent and without citing the source of the text. The Journal of Learning Styles maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published manuscripts are unpublished. To this end, it is established that both reviewers and the Editorial Board must guarantee that there is no plagiarism and that the manuscripts meet the standards of originality.
The Editorial Board and the Publisher have Turnitin and SafeAssign to confirm the originality of the manuscript at the beginning and during the review process. In addition, authors and reviewers are provided with a specific set of open access tools such as Plagium, WriteCheck, Plagarisma.net or Plagarism.
Conflict of interest and disclosure: Authors are responsible for explicitly stating that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results or interpretations obtained from the proposals. Likewise, authors should point out any source of funding associated with the scientific article.
Errors in published articles: Authors undertake to collaborate in the detection of significant errors in their publication for the publication of errata, if necessary. Therefore, if an author identifies a significant error in their manuscript, they must inform the Editorial Board and provide all the necessary information for correction.
Commitment of the Editorial Board and associated/thematic editors:
Publication decision: the publishers ensure the selection of qualified external evaluators who can provide critical and expert assessment. They also undertake to inform the author of the status of the evaluation from the time the proposal is received until its final rejection or acceptance, whether with minor or major revisions.
Honesty and Confidentiality: The Editorial Board and the editors are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and reviewers. Likewise, they evaluate the manuscripts sent for publication only on the basis of the scientific merit of the contents of the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure: The Editorial Board and the associated and/or thematic editors agree not to use in their research the contents of the articles submitted for publication, without the consent of the author.
Time of review and publication: the editors are responsible for compliance with the time limits in the different review processes to which the manuscript is submitted, as well as for the timely and regular publication of those accepted.
Commitment to the reviewers:
Scientific Contribution: The evaluation system used by the Journal of Learning Styles is based on the peer-review of the manuscript by double-blind pairs. Therefore, the external evaluators are committed to a critical, unbiased review that has a positive impact on the scientific and literary quality of the text.
Review times: the reviewers undertake to evaluate the work within the deadlines indicated in the journal's regulations. If the evaluation cannot be completed in the indicated time, the Editorial Board may decide to consider an extension of the time, without this interfering with or prejudicing the peer review process.
Confidentiality: Manuscripts are confidential. Therefore, these texts should not be discussed or shared with third parties without the express consent of the editors. Also, information obtained during the peer review process should be considered confidential.
Feedback: the evaluators are committed to pointing out precisely, in their review, the bibliographic references that they consider fundamental for the manuscript, as well as the comments or suggestions for the improvement of the manuscript. Likewise, they must inform the editorial team about any similarity of the manuscript with other published works.
Issues will be published every six months.
By submitting the original, the author(s) declare that they are aware of and accept, in full, the privacy policy as well as the copyright of the Learning Styles Magazine.
The Learning Styles Magazine offers free and open access to its content, completely free of charge, in order to bring scientific research to its readers and society in general.
All digital contents are free and open access and are published under a Creative Commons license:
Rights are granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The publication of articles or reviews in the Journal does not give right to any remuneration.
With this licence, the reproduction and dissemination of the contents of the magazine for educational, social and knowledge transmission purposes is permitted, without any profit motive in mind, provided that the source and authorship are not modified. The licence granted to The Learning Styles Magazine allows the copying and distribution of the magazine's contents, as long as the authorship of the work is recognised, correctly specifying the author and the publishing entity. The work may not be used for commercial purposes, nor may it be altered, transformed or generated from this work.
The Learning Styles Magazine is an open access journal. Publication of articles or reviews in the Journal does not entitle you to any remuneration. For authors and readers, the journal is free of charge (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0).
The Learning Styles Journal invites the author/authors to increase the visibility and scope of their articles published by re-disseminating them in:
- Web spaces and personal networks, as well as in scientific meetings and forums
- Open institutional archives in Universities, educational repositories and Research Centres.
- Academic and scientific networks (Researchgate, Academia.edu, Plubons, etc.)
All these spaces and publications must include all the bibliographic data of the publication.
All information provided throughout the editorial process for the publication of manuscripts and/or research works in Journal of Learning Styles, as well as the names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
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