Development of Teaching Digital Skills
Possibilities in Distance Education
digital literacy, Information and communication technologies, teaching professional development, emergency remote teaching, onlinde distance educationAbstract
The objective of this investigation is to understand how distance education can contribute to promoting the development of digital skills, in particular, teaching digital skills. Contemporary society increasingly demands the use of digital technologies in the various areas of life, including in the teaching and learning process, even more evident in the pandemic context of COVID-19, which caused the interruption of face-to-face classes worldwide and imposed a new educational model, facilitated by digital technologies and based on online education methodologies, designated as emergency remote teaching. Among the many challenges, teachers had to adapt and reinvent their pedagogical practices and teaching methodologies in a virtual learning environment, often without guidance and without essential digital skills to promote quality learning. Through a narrative bibliographic review of an exploratory nature and qualitative methodology, studies, programs and models were identified that could be used to enable training propositions for the development of teaching digital skills, a key factor for pedagogical innovation in Higher Education in the distance modality.
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