Digital competence and the use of technological tools in university teachers




Higher education, teachers, digital competence, ICT resources


The use of technology in Higher Education is essential due to its impact on the development of the competences and skills necessary for the 21st century. The aim of the study was to evaluate the digital mastery of the teaching staff in different competence areas, the frequency of the use of technological tools in the teaching process, and the possible relationship between both constructs. To this end, a quantitative study was designed through a descriptive and inferential cross-sectional analysis in which 220 teachers from a Spanish university participated. The most relevant findings show that teachers have an intermediate level of proficiency with variations depending on the competence areas. They also indicate that teachers use more frequently those tools that do not require a high pedagogical and didactic domain of technologies. Finally, they note that teachers with a medium or advanced domain in all competence areas make more frequent use of technologies with a strong pedagogical-didactic component. The study points out the need to provide training focused on this component to improve teachers’ digital competence and the use of technological tools. Future lines of research are indicated to validate these preliminary findings.


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Author Biographies

Eva Pérez-López, Universidad de Extremadura, España

Degree in Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid and in Sociology from the UNED. University Specialist in Participatory Research and Local Management from the Complutense University and Master in Politics and Democracy from the UNED. Assistant Professor in the area of Sociology (Department of Business Management and Sociology) in the Faculties of Education and Psychology and Documentation and Communication Sciences at the University of Extremadura. She is a lecturer-tutor on the Political Science, Sociology and Criminology degrees at the UNED in Mérida. Member of the research group "Transformative Education for a Global and Digital Society". Main lines of research: "Global educational policies", "youth" and "Global citizenship".

Teresa Alzás García, Universidad de Extremadura, España

PhD from the University of Extremadura. Degree in Sociology. Master's Degree in Teaching and Learning in Social Sciences and Mathematics. Associate Professor in the Sociology Area of the Department of Business Management and Sociology of the UEx. Member of the research group "Transformative Education for a Global and Digital Society". Main lines of research: "gender studies", "sociology of education" and "methodology of social research". She has carried out teaching and research stays at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.


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Portada Volumen 16, Núm. 31 (2023)



How to Cite

Pérez-López, E., & Alzás García, T. (2023). Digital competence and the use of technological tools in university teachers. Journal of Learning Styles, 16(31), 69–81.

