Profile of high school students based on CHAEA, intelligence test and socioeconomic conditions, with multidimensional
learning styles, CHAEA; multiple intelligences; socioeconomic conditions; Sokal-Michener similarity coefficient.Abstract
The objective of this article is to determine the student's performance through the questionnaires: CHAEA, Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence test and socioeconomic conditions. The responses are processed by a computational algorithm in Matlab® that uses the Sokal - Michener similarity coefficients to establish a measurement space where they represent the analyzed individuals, each one with its characteristics, and the distance that exists is quantitatively determined. among them. The results indicate that there are pure and mixed styles of learning styles, the most concomitant of the research objective group was that of reflection; so that the intelligences identify 7 of the 8 types of intelligences and, approximately, half of the population has interpersonal intelligence. And with the help of simulations it was possible to establish that by stimulating certain characteristics, these allow one to approach or move away from a style or an intelligence.
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