Content Knowledge in distance teacher education

Analysis based on TPACK Survey




Teacher education, Sciences, Distance Education, Learning strategies, Technology


According to the theoretical assumption of TPACK, teacher education encompasses three bodies of knowledge: specific, pedagogical and technological content. Articulated, they give form to a broader and more complex knowledge, which refers to the technological appropriation for teaching and learning processes of specific contents, in the context of each teacher, student or institution. Thus, research on the subject around the world validated, in English, the TPACK Survey, to analyze the level of fluency of teachers in training or in exercise on each aspect of the explanatory model of teaching action. In this work, the translation and adaptation of this questionnaire was carried out to train physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics teachers at a distance. The objectives of this research are to present the translation related to Content Knowledge and the data analyzed in the first application. Methodologically, there are quantitative (objective questions) and qualitative (comments field) analyzes based on Content Analysis. It was possible to notice that students have a lack of mastery of basic content related to their courses, demonstrating insecurity with their own learning in more complex content. In addition, it was identified the need for materials and technologies that can meet the different learning needs of students. As conclusions, it can be said that if the explanatory model of teaching action TPACK points out a way of thinking that is specific to each area, it must be considered in the translation, adaptation and construction of questions from their own fields of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E., & Pirillo, N. (2021). Content Knowledge in distance teacher education: Analysis based on TPACK Survey. Journal of Learning Styles, 14(28), 150–165.