Innovation and Organizational Learning as a factor of change in the Educational Administration
Innovation, Educational Transformation, Oganizational Leafning, Organizational learning, Technology, Educational MethodologyAbstract
The objective of this article is to identify the administrative models of educational improvement based on trends dictated by institutions of higher learning in the world. The study was conducted at a higher education institution located in Monterrey, Mexico, where more than two hundred members of the academic community participated. The innovation of organizational learning has been discovered to be a disruptive and change factor for the continuous improvement of educational institutions. Innovation in academic administration is feasible in an organizational culture, built with a willingness to transform, change in order to achieve the trends goals dictated by the movement towards globalization. Students, teachers and managers from the university administration, agree that the academic institutions are responsible for keeping up to date on organizational trends through advisors, training and continuing education; implementing innovation, technology and global pedagogical tendencies, in order to offer educational quality.
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