Relationship between Learning Styles and the Professional Specialty Choice in Second-Year Secondary Technical/Vocational Education Students with Dual Education: VAK model.
Learning, Learning Styles, Profesional Education, VAK ModelAbstract
The interaction between learning styles and the choice of a professional specialty in second-year Secondary Technical/Vocational Education (STVE) students and, specifically, in the Joseph Lister School educational unit in Limache, Chile, contributes to the progressive adjustment among teaching, learning, and professional education.
It is hypothesized that students tend to choose a specialty based on their learning style profile. This relationship is measured by applying the VAK Model to students and the specialties offered by the educational unit. The survey was responded by 76% of the second-year students.
Although the results show that 77% of the respondents choose visual and kinesthetic styles and suggest that the STVE may be eminently practical in nature, the results obtained by applying the chi-square test (significance level of 0.05) demonstrates that, contrary to the insights of the percentage results, students do not choose specialties according to learning styles.
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