Learning And Teaching Styles: Analysis And Diagnosis In Higher Education through International Center for Higher Spanish Studies (Comillas, Spain)





Learning Styles, Teaching Styles, Educational Innovation, Cognitivism, Higher Education


The adaptation to the new Higher Education framework involves changing the teaching-learning processes at the university level. Identifying how university students learn and how their professors teach, requires using assessment tools that to identify every learning and teaching style. From this sight, the aim of this paper is the analysis of Learning Styles (LS) and Teaching Styles (TS) of professors as well as students of Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores del Español (CIESE-Comillas, España). The main objectives include, first of all, knowing how teachers from our institution learn and teach, both their learning and teaching styles. Secondly, finding out how their students learn, their learning styles. The methodology used comes from a synthetic description of the status of the issue about learning and teaching styles with a cognitive-constructivist approach in order to go in depth with a quantitative research through using two questionnaires: the Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire (Alonso, Gallego and Honey, 2007) for Learning Styles and the Teaching Styles Questionnaire (Renés and Martínez, 2015) for Teaching Styles. The result that provides this research focus on identifying three Learning and Teaching Styles and their correlation that encourage improvements in Higher Education teaching methods.


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How to Cite

Martínez Martínez, I., Renés Arellano, P., & Martínez Geijo, P. (2019). Learning And Teaching Styles: Analysis And Diagnosis In Higher Education through International Center for Higher Spanish Studies (Comillas, Spain). Journal of Learning Styles, 12(24), 28–41. https://doi.org/10.55777/rea.v12i24.1317

