Learning styles as a strategy for teaching in higher education
Learning styles, Academic performance, Teaching techniques, Learning techniques, Higher educationAbstract
This paper explores the learning styles of a sample of university students through the application of the Honey Alonso Questionnaire for Learning Styles (CHAEA), to adapt the best teaching-learning techniques to each style, promote meaningful learning, and improve academic performance. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of 33 participants. The study has a combined research design of both approaches (qualitative and quantitative). The results found in this research are parallel to those reported in other studies: the reflective learning style predominates with (45.45%) with a moderate preference; second, the theoretical and pragmatic styles with (18.18%) each, and lastly the active style (6.06%). A high percentage (87.88%) of the participants showed a unique style and only (12.12%) a combined style. All learning styles are present in the group of students. With these results, some teaching-learning techniques are suggested, to adapt them to the cognitive and learning characteristics of the students, in the teaching strategies.
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