Cognitive strategies and learning styles in secondary basic students
Learning, Cognitive strategies, Learning styles, TeachingAbstract
Objective: to analyze the cognitive strategies associated with learning styles in secondary school students of a private institution in the city of Valledupar. Methodology: this is a quantitative study of correlational scope with a nonprobabilistic sampling by quotas of 120 students to whom the Honey-Alonso Questionnaire for Learning Styles (CHAEA) was applied, which classifies active, reflective learning styles. Theoretical and pragmatic; The Learning Strategies Scale (ACRA) was also used, which evaluates information acquisition strategies, information coding strategies, information recovery strategies and support strategies for processing. Results: Finally, it was possible to establish that in the majority of crosses of dimensions of both variables there were statistically significant correlations. The only crosses that turned out not to show an association were those corresponding to the Active style with the Acquisition and Coding strategies. Conclusion: Learning styles and strategies are associated in a significant way affecting positively the learning of students.
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